Using a store outside of a component

React Mise stores rely on the react-mise instance to share the same store instance across all calls. Most of the time, this works out of the box by just calling your useStore() function. For example, in component, you don't need to do anything else. But things are a bit different outside of a component. Behind the scenes, useStore() injects the react-mise instance you gave to your app. This means that if the react-mise instance cannot be automatically injected, you have to manually provide it to the useStore() function. You can solve this differently depending on the kind of application you are writing.

Single Page Applications

The easiest way to ensure this is always applied is to defer calls of useStore() by placing them inside functions that will always run after react-mise is installed.

Let's take a look at this example of using a store inside of a navigation guard with Vue Router:

// ❌ Depending on the order of imports this will fail
const store = useStore()

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  // we wanted to use the store here
  if (store.isLoggedIn) next()
  else next("/login")

// ✅ This will work because the router starts with used
// the router is installed and react-mise will be installed too
const store = useStore(true)
router.beforeEach((to) => {
  if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !store.isLoggedIn) return "/login"

SSR Apps

When dealing with Server Side Rendering, you will have to pass the react-mise instance to useStore(). This prevents react-mise from sharing global state between different application instances.